Name: quesa Version: 1.8 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Quesa QuickDraw 3D implementation Group: System Environment/Libraries License: BSD URL: Source0:{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: libGLU-devel BuildRequires: autoconf automake libtool #Requires: Patch0: quesa-1.8-excess-libs.patch %description Quesa is a high-level open-source 3D graphics library that offers binary and source level compatibility with Apple's QuickDrawâ„¢ 3D API. Quesa does not contain any Apple source code, and was developed without access to Apple's QD3D implementation. Quesa supports both retained and immediate mode rendering, an extensible file format, plug-in renderers, a wide range of high level geometries, hierarchical models, and a consistent and object-oriented API. Quesa acts as a scene-graph while using OpenGL for rendering. %package devel Summary: Quesa development package Group: Development/Libraries Requires: quesa = %{version}-%{release} %description devel Development package for the Quesa library. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 -b .excess-libs chmod a-x Source/FileFormats/Readers/3DMF/*.c %build autoreconf -v --install || exit 1 %configure --disable-static make %{?_smp_mflags} iconv -f MACINTOSH -t UTF-8 AUTHORS > foo && mv foo AUTHORS %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name \*.la | xargs rm -f %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc AUTHORS COPYING README %{_libdir}/* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_includedir}/quesa %{_libdir}/ %changelog * Sat Aug 11 2007 Adam Jackson 1.8-1 - Initial revision.